Montreal Children's Photographer | Cake Smash Session

November 24, 2014  •  Leave a Comment



















You may have heard about or have even seen images of the latest craze to hit the photography scene... Cake Smash Sessions are all the rage to capture that one-year milestone. And I am here to say that they are fantastic!

When Miss J's mom suggested a Cake Smash Session for her sweet daughter's 3rd birthday, I jumped on it! If a one year old can smash a cake, a three year old could only do it that much better. 

We set the scene, got the cake, the balloons and the perfect outfit and set out to capture the exhilaration that can only come from being allowed to do something you wouldn't normally be allowed to do! However, Miss J is such a beautiful little living porcelain doll that I couldn't just jump straight into the bashing and mashing and messiness right away... so we played dress up and had a ton of silly fun...

Such a delight!

A little coy and a whole lotta spunk!



















and of course... the cutest poser award goes to....

And now for the main event.....

A collage of a three- year old smashing and eating her birthday cake at her cake smash session with Tanis Saucier PhotographyCake Smash!A Pink Cake Smash

Thank you so much for allowing me to help celebrate this amazing milestone Miss J!

May you always have your cake and get to eat it too!


If you are interested in having a cake smash session for your little love, contact me today for the details.


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